Is abundance hard for you to achieve no matter what you do? Is there something blocking your ability to manifest and attract wealth, success and contentment in life?

There is a good chance that you might be harbouring abundance blocks. And yes, that can happen despite going through countless books about the Law of Attraction and achieving financial freedom.

What are Abundance Blocks?

Abundance blocks are negative and limiting subconscious beliefs instilled in our minds.  Essentially, they are roadblocks to manifestation and being successful. They have been ingrained in us since the very beginning of our lives due to a plethora of reasons.

Most of us strive for abundance in different areas of life.  However, instead of looking inside and realising our own potential, we look at external sources for power and validation. Furthermore, we critique ourselves very harshly in the present and have doubts over our abilities.

Am I worthy? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not smart enough? Do I deserve this deprivation?

Well, you’re not alone in this. All of us at some point or the other suffer from abundance blocks. They might be hard to identify initially, but it’s never too late to change your life.

Why am I going through Abundance Blocks?

While some beliefs and ideas may be of our own making, a lot of them have been impressioned on our subconscious by the world around us.

Let’s take a look at the most common reasons that might be blocking your ability to manifest and attract abundance:

1) Limiting Beliefs

Your surroundings play a crucial role in shaping your beliefs. So many of us have grown up hearing limiting statements from our friends, family and teachers. Being constantly exposed to things like:

  • Only the rich get richer
  • Life is always hard
  • Do what everyone else is doing because it’s the safer option
  • Don’t dream too big
  • People don’t change

All these statements are 100% untrue and meant to clip your wings before you even take flight. 

You become what you believe in.

2) Mindset

People are not exaggerating when they say that mindset is everything. Limiting Beliefs are a mammoth roadblock to achieving success-oriented mindset. They suppress the growth mindset while giving more power to your fixed mindset.

The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like” and rightly so. If you’re looking for luck and prosperity constantly, you’ll attract luck and prosperity. 

Your newfound mindset will make you seek what you want by making you work hard and inspiring you to believe in yourself.

3) Resistance To Change

Getting stuck in your comfort zone is the most dangerous and self-destructive step in life. The fear of change and the consequent resistance leads to stagnation. This in turn leads to disappointment and discontent.

How can you have abundance if you’re too afraid to explore and engage?

Being open to discovering new things, making difficult decisions and stepping out into the unknown is what you need to do.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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