The world has come a long way from people owning VCRs, DVDs and vinyl records to Netflix, Spotify and Audible. But why is that? The subscription economy has changed the way businesses generate revenue, offering convenience, flexibility and value to consumers while driving sustainable growth for companies. From streaming services to meal kits, subscription-based models have proliferated across industries in recent years.  The Rise of Subscription Models The subscription economy has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. Today, consumers value access over ownership, favouring subscription-based services that offer convenience, customisation and affordability. One notable trend driving the subscription economy is the shift from product-centric to service-centric business models. Companies across various sectors, from entertainment to retail to software, are adopting subscription-based models to provide ongoing value and build long-term customer relationships. Key Strategies for Success To succeed in the subscription economy, businesses…

From forging alliances to leveraging complementary strengths, strategic partnerships have emerged as an important tool for companies to scale their brands and expand their reach in the market. The value of collaborative ventures in generating new ideas, products and services as well as acquiring and retaining more customers has finally come to the forefront as a key business strategy. Here’s how businesses are using the power of collaboration to propel their growth trajectories and unlock new opportunities: 1) The Power of Synergy Imagine the merger of two global giants that are instantly recognised by people in every country on our planet. This was the case with Nike and Apple, whose collaboration resulted in the development of the Nike+ running app. By integrating Apple’s technology with Nike’s athletic expertise, the partnership transformed the way people track their fitness, creating a seamless user experience and opening up new avenues for both companies.…

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, bombarded with memes, news updates and cat videos. Sound familiar? But what if, amidst the chaos, you could curate a digital space that feeds your soul? That’s the power of spiritual screen time. Our screens have become portals to vast virtual landscapes, offering endless streams of information and entertainment. However, amidst the constant buzz of notifications and updates, it’s essential to carve out a digital environment that nurtures our spiritual well-being.Here are some practical tips for curating a digital space that supports and enriches you spiritually: 1) Mindful Consumption of Content a) In a world inundated with digital content, being mindful of what we consume is essential for spiritual nourishment. Choose media that uplifts and inspires, such as podcasts, articles, or videos that align with your spiritual beliefs and values. b) Prioritise quality over quantity by selecting sources that offer insightful…

A lot of us may immediately think of AI, automation and social media when it comes to pointing out things that have disrupted and improved the business domain in recent years in the most colossal of ways. And that is right to some extent, but not entirely true.Once you go beyond new and efficient ways of doing business, you’ll stumble upon the change in reason(s) for running one in the first place. Perhaps the most profound and significant shift in the business space has come in determining a company’s long-term vision—one where profit is no longer the sole measure and metric of success. Instead, a new breed of companies is emerging, driven not only by financial gain, but also by a deeper sense of purpose and values. Does commitment to values really shape a company’s success in today’s competitive marketplace? Embracing a Higher Calling In an era marked by increasing…