Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Setting lofty goals takes only a minute, but achieving them can take a lifetime of hard work, dedication and patience.

Being patient and staying put can be the most effective form of action one can do. In theory,  it’s easy to preach about patience. However, just like any other discipline, practice makes perfect.

The virtue of patience is hard to practice in today’s world when everything and everybody is aiming to be quicker than yesterday.

Think about it! Faster delivery, faster feedback and lightning fast results! That’s what the world is after. However, we need to take a pause and introspect first.

Did all this progress all happen in such a haste? Was Rome built overnight?

Just like decisiveness is necessary for remarkable success, so is patience.

In fact, being patient is also a form of being decisive.  It shows that you are resilient enough to wait for the right moment to reap the rewards of your hard work. And well, participating in the game of patience is never easy in any field of life, be it important business decisions or waiting for trivial things.

Let’s take a look at how patience is rewarding and enables you to climb the steps to remarkable success:

1) Strive For Smarter Decision-Making

Decisions made in haste can often backfire and hurt the business and reputation of an entrepreneur. Poor decisions are the ones that are made without proper planning and research.

Hasty decisions often make you overlook crucial first impressions about a product or a service. In the rush to get what you want, you may not think about whether it is the right place or time for that.

We often rush ourselves into things or decisions due to emotional irritation or urges. This frustration can lead to detrimental choices.

For instance, in the bid to just “be out there”, so many startup founders launch for the sake of it even though they’re not fully prepared for the challenging business environment.

Thus, it is better to be fully aware of your target market, market size, competitors, branding etc. Furthermore, when you’re always reaching for the next step, you don’t give yourself the time and space needed to evaluate your current decisions and correct your mistakes.

2) Trust The Process and Keep Working Hard

Successful people think of the bigger fish and the bigger picture without getting too ahead of themselves.

Industries like real estate and the stock market may take substantial time for you to flourish. Foundations of success are laid out gradually over time before you can build castles on them.

Impatience will only make you lose your time, energy and money. 

Similarly, authors and writers know that it can take years of sleepless nights, stress,  burnt-out ideas and countless revisions before their book can become a bestseller.

So, trust the process, trust your abilities and keep burning the midnight oil with patience and perseverance.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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