The world has progressed and keeps on doing so when we create something new. From the discovery of how to make a fire to the first flight by the Wright brothers, it was always creativity that led to discoveries and inventions. Now, we have plans to build colonies on Mars!

Humanity has come a long way in its quest for progress, welfare and making something new. It’s a part of our nature to not stay stagnant.

Creativity satisfies curiosity!

When it comes to business, being creative is one of the most essential qualities for an entrepreneur. This is what leads to new firms, new ideas and new solutions.

1) A Pathway to Productivity

‘Work smarter, not harder’ is possible only because we choose to come up with innovative ways to go about things and save time while increasing efficiency. This also takes out the stagnation and monotony associated with some routine tasks that are very mechanical in nature and can demotivate the employees. They enjoy doing things differently and applying themselves in a more productive way.

2) The Intent to Innovate

Impossible ideas turn into successful products with the right blend of innovation, creativity, technology and patience. It is the creative process which helps identify and fix the missing elements from any action plan. Moreover, when problems arise out of the blue and time is of the essence, creative entrepreneurs are able to save the day by thinking on their feet.

3) Creating Wants and Needs

Only creative entrepreneurs are able to cross the veiled line between wayward imagination and realistic normality by thinking out of the box in a bid to change the world and fulfill customer needs that even the customers didn’t know existed. It gets even better when entrepreneurs can create the need for something through brainstorming. It’s all about finding inventive solutions to replace traditional habits.

For instance, nobody needed smartwatches but we all want them and now they are everywhere, eating up a huge chunk of the traditional analog market share.

4) Consistency is King

Most importantly, when it comes to startups, it is continued creativity that keeps the lights on and helps them become global conglomerates in the face of all the roadblocks. An entrepreneur will probably discover more about himself and the world around him through the tons of creativity than anything else.

Stay Creative, Stay Consistent!

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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