“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

– Charles Darwin

These words hold true in life as well as in the field of business. Change is inevitable and being dynamic is vital. Every company must adapt and reinvent to the emerging trends and business needs, otherwise they’ll eventually succumb.

Remember Nokia? We all did, but not anymore.

A prime example of how a global leader can perish and fade into oblivion when it refuses to reinvent itself.

In a lightning fast world where information is power, it is important to understand how the world has changed since the pandemic began in terms of business communication. The birth of hybrid work models meant that firms need to accommodate all the more flexibility and dynamism to stay in line with the new business environment, a highly volatile one to be honest.

Efficient communication has proved to be the key element behind maintaining productivity levels and facilitating coordination between employees from all corners of the world, be it in-office employees, remote workers or freelancers.

When it comes to customers, it is of paramount importance that companies provide excellent query resolution, after-sales services and how grievances are handled.

To know if your communication systems are good enough, ask yourself these 5 questions:

A) Does my business employ Artificial Intelligence(AI) platforms like chatbots, callbots, call transcription etc?

B) How efficient are these platforms?

C) What’s the average time taken for resolving a customer’s query?

D) Are my AI systems able to resolve most of the queries and handle most of the grievances?

E) How easy and quick is it for a customer to reach a real-time agent?

Master the cost-efficiency ratio when it comes to these questions while ensuring that customer needs are met in the most sustainable way to ride and rise along with waves of eternal change.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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