
celebrity endorsements


In the recent past, the rapid rise of plant-based diets has been given a jumpstart by the ever-growing conversations around health, sustainability and ethical concerns. One major factor propelling this movement into the mainstream culture is the promotion of plant-based lifestyles by athletes, celebrities, authors and other prominent public figures. This has significantly swung the masses in favour of changing their diets, even if it is on an experimental basis. Celebrity Endorsements Celebrity endorsements and influencer marketing are some of the most impressionable marketing and promotional tools out there. They are almost a surefire way to promote products, lifestyles and ideas. When celebrities advocate for a cause or product, they directly reach their millions of followers. This in turn creates a ripple effect that makes the public think and revaluate their choices. Why Celebrity Endorsements Matter Influence and Reach: Celebrities have massive followings on social media and other platforms, giving…