
active lifestyle


Have you felt lethargy set in during those peak work hours in the afternoon? Despite getting adequate sleep and feeling well-rested, do you always feel tired during your workouts? Feeling sleepy between 1PM- 4PM has a lot to do with your diet. Eating highly-processed and highly-refined food that is rich in sugar and scarce in nutrition will deprive you of energy while also causing frequent energy crashes. Switching to a plant-based diet can help solve the aforementioned problems while helping you stay active and energetic throughout your busy schedule. Whether you are someone who is thinking about adopting to a plant-based diet or you have already been leading a plant-based lifestyle, here are some foods to eat that will help you power through the day: 1) Green Leafy Vegetables Superfoods like kale, Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce and microgreens are extremely high in nutrition.They are a great source of high-quality proteins,…