A fast-paced lifestyle, an unending list of tasks, and maintaining work-life balance comes with its own share of problems. When we are so busy with juggling our professional and personal responsibilities, staying active and eating healthy might end up taking a backseat due to a lack of time and energy. Such an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to a lot of stress and health problems in the latter years of life. 

Here are a few ways in which you can make health a priority while still having the time to go about your busy schedule and performing all your responsibilities:

1) Start Your Day With Hot Lemon Water

Your body is on a fasting mode throughout the night while you sleep. Starting your day with a glass of hot water will rejuvenate your body, keep you hydrated, and improve your digestion. It will also increase your concentration and help you meet your daily Vitamin C requirements. 

This quick fix only takes 60 seconds of your time and helps you start your day on a healthier note.

2) 7-30 Minutes Quick Workout

All of us cannot afford the luxury of spending 2-3 hours in a gym daily, however, we can certainly take out 7-30 minutes in our day for a quick workout. Depending on your preferred form of exercise, you can choose to do a quick 7 minutes HIIT workout from the comfort of your home itself or go to the park for 30 minutes for a brisk walk. 

This will ensure that your body’s needs for regular muscle movement, tenacity, agility and stamina are met effectively on a daily basis.

3) Staying Hydrated

Replacing those cups of caffeine with glasses of water will go a long way in keeping you hydrated and on your toes throughout the day. It will also help your body flush out all the toxins.

Drinking a glass of water before every meal also helps you avoid overeating, thereby, helping you maintain an ideal weight.

4) Healthy and Pre-Portioned Meals

Unhealthy snacking is the cardinal sin committed by all the people trying to stay healthy, often unknowingly, since it is easy to lose track of the quantity and the number of calories consumed. It becomes all the more likely that you indulge in high quantities of fried and sugary foods when you are snacking straight out of the packet at your work desk while being engrossed in your work. 

To prevent this, switch to pre-portioned quantities of healthy and nutritious foods such as apricots, raisins, almonds, apples, bananas, pears etc. Pre-portioned quantities will help you avoid overeating and the consequent feeling of lethargy as well. 

5) Walk and Talk

If you’re someone who finds it difficult to incorporate long periods of exercise into their routine or is simply not into draining workout routines, the ‘walk and talk’ method is a great way to stay active and complement your healthy eating habits. 

Try to walk around your office and your home when you attend to personal and professional calls. You can always carry a notepad and a pen to take notes or just stop at a table or a bench to pause and write down the important things. This will help you divide your daily exercise goal into small and attainable chunks that are spread across the day. 

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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