Leadership needs no title, nor does it need any form of recognition. The mere act of leading does not make someone a leader. Highlighted below are some thoughts on this subject as per my experiences with leaders across various fields. What makes some of them truly inspirational? Let’s delve deep into the subject of leadership and uncover some essential traits that make someone a good leader.

Integrity: They stand by their words and are driven by their core values and principles. It’s hard to not respect such able leadership driven by honourable actions.

Empathy: Often misunderstood as a sign of weakness, a great leader is one who is able to understand the grievances of each team member, as well as the value they add. You take on the team’s problems as your own and are their biggest encourager.

Passion: When a leader is passionate about their work, the team follows suit. Energy is infectious.

Authority: When you can command respect easily, you are a natural leader. People will find it difficult to not follow in your footsteps.

Accountability: when you are accountable for your words, promises as well as actions — your team knows they can depend on you.

Supportive — a team cannot grow and move in the right direction without the active support of their leader. Leadership brings about the changes required and creates an environment for each member to learn and grow.

Clarity — the more you sharpen your saw, the better prepared you are to guide them through pitfalls and all areas of work. A great leader knows what they want their team to focus on. They delegate tasks well without creating chaos or confusion. They know what the end goal is and how to go about it.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. — Lao Tzu

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