Life has undergone a major shift and nothing is predictable in the new normal. Some have discovered a side to their personalities they never knew existed. It’s remarkable how adversity, loss of income, freedom of movement being curtailed, death of loved ones or even death knocking on our doors at every turn hasn’t managed to dampen our spirit or our desire to live a healthy and meaningful life. That being said, we shouldn’t overlook those with mental health challenges, or at higher risk because of weak or compromised immune systems. This space will be a helpful guide for myself and others to offer some perspective on how to cope, survive and support others as well.


Covid-induced anxiety is real and many are afflicted by the uncertainty, fear, and negativity that surrounds us. Accepting that a pandemic is not a small issue is the first step towards acknowledging some’s anxiety to be something that affects them. When we say things like, “why are you overthinking?”, “calm down” we may actually be not helping at all and making their anxiety worse. Dealing with anxiety is by no means an easy task. What we can do, however, is gain awareness about how it affects someone’s health and what we can do to support as well as to not do anything that invalidates someone’s feelings.

It’s okay to not be okay — tell your friend it’s perfectly normal to overreact, to panic, to feel low — these are challenging times and our body’s natural response to a situation shouldn’t be suppressed. We are human and we have feelings and emotions for every situation and we don’t have to be happy all the time. Solutions and great things may arise in times of adversity.

Be there for them — offer them your warmth, love and support. Not criticism.

Suggest activities you can do together with them — when they know you care and are interested in their wellbeing they will appreciate your presence during these unprecedented times of covid.

Meditation — the benefits of meditation are immense. Encourage others to meditate for their inner wellness but never force someone to meditate if they don’t feel up to it.


Herbs have been an integral part of our homes and lifestyle and the pandemic has made it all the more important to make mindful choices about what we consume. Our immunity needs to be strengthened in order to survive the adverse effects of Covid-19. Herbs are the easiest to incorporate and they require minimal effort. Soak tulsi leaves in warm water and let it steep for 10 mins. Drink this detox drink and you are one step ahead in enjoying good health. Apart from simple and quick remedies like these, there are uncountable recipes online that help us figure out a way to consume food that boosts our immunity.

Here’s my list of must have items at home to keep your immunity strong:

Neem: this powerful herb is well known for its antibacterial properties. It heals wounds, helps manage or prevent diabetes, reduces blood sugar levels, etc.

Tulsi: this natural immunity booster is rich in Vitamin C, and has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It keeps the body in good condition by detoxing and keeping infections at bay.

Mint: one of the easiest to add to your diet, mint is a powerhouse herb that you can simply chew daily or add to your water/juice to reap its health benefits. It even helps maintain good oral hygiene at a time when going to the dentist has become a huge risk.

Turmeric: this anti-inflammatory herb has been used for its medicinal qualities since ancient times in India. Most of the dishes (curries) we eat contain turmeric and this benefits our immune system in a big way. It may even slow down the ageing process. A pinch of turmeric added to milk is a popular health drink.

Ginger: it is a powerful herb that has anti-bacterial properties and it lowers blood sugar levels. Eastern cultures have given ginger a prominent place in their diet.

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