Being present in the moment is not as easy as it may seem when we begin our mindfulness practice. We start paying attention to our patterns and our daily choices. What emerges as a repeating behaviour is our mind’s ability to travel through time without any notice. One moment we are here, experiencing bliss — the next moment we are back to being our 20-year-old version reliving a past hurt or painful experience. Even when we are trying our best to focus at the task at hand, we may find ourselves sinking through the rabbit hole and losing touch with all the wonderful things that define our present.

There are some ways in which we can make a habit out of being mindful daily:

Make a commitment:

A habit cannot be formed unless we decide an end goal and are willing to commit to it. In all our tiny actions that sum up our day, we need to remain consistently present. Without first making a decision, we cannot follow through with actions that are aligned with our thoughts.

Always write what you wish to achieve:

Writing down your thoughts will bring you the clarity you seek. It helps with subconscious programming too.

Repetition is the key:

Repeat a thing often, and it will turn into a habit. Once you start being a mindful person who makes choices that are in sync with the present, you will start noticing all the changes that happen in your life. Set aside a time for daily meditation without expecting any form of rewards. Taking relaxed and deep breaths can have a powerful impact on who we become as human beings. A relaxed state of mind gives us the strength to deal with stressful situations calmly.

Don’t be disappointed with failure:

Instead of giving up and declaring ‘mindfulness’ is not your thing, get right back on your practice. Start again every time you fail. Persistence will help you overcome feelings of disappointment. Learn to fail better and be gentle on yourself.

Gagan Dhawan is an Entrepreneur who loves to reflect on matters of the mind. He is the Founder of numerous successful ventures, including and

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