The shift towards sustainability might seem tedious in the beginning for companies, however, its benefits easily outweigh the initial inconveniences. Going green is not an added cost. In fact, it is an investment in your brand as well as the planet. Eco-friendly packaging that doesn’t harm the environment is the best way to move forward. 

Here’s a quick recap from the last article about what sustainable packaging really means:

“Sustainable packaging uses materials that are environment-friendly, recyclable, not harmful to flora, fauna or people, and not generating greenhouse gases. Moreover, the materials should also not burden natural resources such as water, land and more on their creation as well as disposal through recycling, decomposition etc.”

Gagan Dhawan

According to a study conducted by Nielsen, brands that adopt sustainability outperform and outlast those who don’t. This doesn’t come as a surprise because brands that have long-term vision and goals often come out on top. Just like being a market leader and a pioneer in your respective field requires forecasting and consistency, sustainability is also an endgame that is bound to reap rewards for you, when it is done right on every level in a company.

Here’s how eco-friendly packaging will help your brand reach new heights and sustain them:

1) Brand Image and Customer Loyalty

Gone are the days when people only cared about lower prices and product quality. As the world becomes more aware and concerned about the impact of our actions on the planet, nobody wants to burden non-renewable resources anymore. Consumers are more aware and conscious about their individual carbon footprint which also factors in the purchases they make. 

Things like packaging, ingredients and production process are taken into account when people decide to buy. And they’re even ready to pay higher prices for brands that use eco-friendly packaging and take other initiatives towards a greener and cleaner planet. 

Thus, going green is a great way to elevate your brand image in addition to attracting and retaining customers. 

2) Reduced Inventory Storage Costs

Apart from the materials used, a key element of sustainable packaging is also about the way your shipping team packs your products. Practices like overpacking or using extra large boxes for small products just adds up to the storage space being taken up and the amount of packaging materials being used. Optimal packing would reduce the weight and the volume of the shipments being stored that will help you store more products in your warehouse as well as cut down costs on the packaging material being purchased. 

3) Lower Shipping Costs

Once your inventory storage and packaging is done right, it will automatically bring down your shipping costs. 

For instance, an 8x8x8 inches box will definitely be lighter and less bulkier than an overpacked and extra large box of 12x12x12 inches. This would help you substantially shopping costs in terms of the key metrics being used for determining the cost i.e weight and volume. 

The cost savings increase all the more when you’re shipping to far-off and remote locations. 

The Bottom Line

Eco-friendly packaging will propel your brand towards sustainability as well as profitability without compromising your ethics and brand image. 

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