It’s no secret that our feelings, thoughts and actions can deeply impact our lives.  Negative thinkers often attract pain and hardships their lives while positive ones attract success and wealth. The power to manifest what you want through your feelings is a great way to make things work in favour of you.

This happens because of how the Law of Attraction works. Our deepest and most prominent feelings impression onto our subconscious. Our subconscious mind is very powerful and it subtly guides our actions. Consequently, we get what we wish for.

The Law of Attraction has its own vast history going back to the Biblical times and more recently to works like “The Secret” and “The Game of Life and How to Play It”. 

Here are a few ways to use your feelings to manifest a great life:

Follow Your Inner Voice

Our inner voice is a part of our intuition which often gives us the right guidance. Listen to what it says and trust in the process. If your intuition tells you do something like joining a big project, calling a friend or exploring your dreams, do that. It may bring you closer to your desires and goals in ways that might unfold later.

Focus on Actions, Not on Outcomes

Step out of your comfort zone and don’t fear the unknown. Let yourself explore the world around with an open mind to learn, experience and enjoy things without placing too much on emphasis on the outcomes of those decisions.

That’s how you open up yourself to endless opportunities and manifest about your desires  – all in sync with the universe.

Visualise your dreams

Visualisation is a very powerful tool. It gives us clarity and guidance about our goals. When we visualise about our dreams, we are bound to get strength, positivity and resilience. Manifest about your desires and how they feel.

For instance, if you want to visit the mountains and go hiking. Imagine the smell of pine trees along the trek, see the beauty around and feel the air caressing your face as you hike. Then imagine how reaching the top of the mountain would feel like.

Indulge In Feel-Good Activities

Don’t forget to enjoy every moment in the present. Make a list of all the activities you enjoy such as playing music, running, meditation or spending time in nature. Then make sure you incorporate them into your schedule daily. Happiness is important too and you should never stop doing the things you like. Happiness and mindfulness are ways of living meant for all of us.


Meditation is a great way to let all your negative thoughts come to the surface and then float away. It makes you realise how trivial and fleeting those negative thoughts. This makes it easy it is for you clear your head let those thoughts go.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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