More and more people are switching to a plant-based diet since it is a simple yet effective way to practice healthy living. It helps prevent diseases and health issues while ensuring that your body meets its daily nutritional requirements without taking any supplements.

With a plethora of health and environmental benefits backed by science, adopting a plant-based diet is a great way to take incremental steps towards a healthy lifestyle and a sustainable planet.

Whether you’re doing it for health reasons, ethical issues, environmental concern or all of them, switching to a new diet requires a lot of willpower, efforts, persistence and patience. Instead of making drastic changes on day one and then getting overwhelmed in a few days, try these tips to make a smooth transition to a plant-based diet:

Remember Why You’re Doing This

Think about why you chose to switch to a plant-based diet and all the benefits you’ll reap in the long run. Now that you’re looking forward to a better and healthier lifestyle, it’ll be easier to feel motivated and not deviate from the path.

And during those days when you feel like giving up, remember why you’re doing this and how all your efforts will go a long way in alleviating your health.

Switching to a new diet requires will power and consistent effort.

Also Read: Thirty Birthday Cakes You Need to Try!

Delicious, exotic, and pure perfection. Photo: Shane Doe.

Start with Small Steps

Instead of rushing and getting overwhelmed on day one with drastic changes, start with small and sustainable steps. Try to gradually cut down your meat consumption every day while also trying to avoid processed and refined foods.

Going plant-based is more than just avoiding meat and dairy. It is also about changing your food habits to healthier ones. So avoid foods that are high in sugar, oil, saturated fats, refined flours, processed materials and harmful additives since these are detrimental for your health.

To make the cake an egg-free vanilla cake recipe, I’ve used 2/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce in place of 2 large eggs in the recipe. You will note that you may have to bake the cake.

Keep Your Food Interesting

In order to avoid getting bored or repetitive with your food choices, try switching up things every now and then. For instance, if you’re someone who likes salads, try experimenting with different ingredients for your salad or try new recipes from other cultures to make your meals more appealing and fun.

Furthermore, moderation is key. Instead of fighting your cravings all the time, control your portion size without depriving yourself. If you feel like having a dessert, instead of fighting your urges and then eventually having a lot of it later, it’s better to find ways to prepare a healthy dessert. There are plenty of ways to prepare healthy and delicious desserts using only plant-based ingredients with hundreds of recipes that are easily accessible on the Internet.

Surround Yourself with Healthy Food

All of us are prone to snacking and losing track of the amount we’re consuming. To prevent unhealthy food choices that you’ll regret later, surround yourself with healthy foods. Keep nutritious ingredients and snacks in your kitchen, fridge, living room, and especially on your work desk.

When you surround yourself with plant-based food that is easily visible, it will help you avoid snacking on fatty and sugary foods while also serving as a reminder to stick to your newfound way of being healthy.

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