Have you ever felt that things just can’t seem to work in favour of you? Do you think that something is amiss and that manifestation is only working out for the people around you, but specifically not you?

Don’t fret, you’re not alone. You’re not the only one to feel this way. We’ve all been there.

You might even have doubts about the existence of the Law of Attraction when things are not going well for you.  It’s completely okay even if you don’t believe in it as long you have a positive and open mindset. If you’re not willing to be hardworking, growing daily and being dynamic, even the Law of Attraction will not be effective.

Here are a few changes you can make:

1) Clarity About Your Goals

Knowing what you want is the first and among the most important steps towards achieving your goals.

A lot of people don’t know what they really want and they can only go so far if all their efforts are put in towards random and constantly fluctuating goals.Your goals and desires may change tomorrow. However, the reason for that change should never be giving up on a goal because you perceive it to be unattainable.

Chalking out your roadmap to success starts with specifying your goals in order to manifest them. Start small and create a list with 10-15 items. Make it a mix of very specific short-term and long-term goals.

2) Ask and You Shall Receive

Yes, it’s that simple.

Asking the universe helps you with manifestation. You could meditate, visualize, draw or speak affirmations that align with your goals. Some people also prefer writing letters to their future selves. All these activities can impression your goals onto your subconscious which drives you towards what you want.

3) No Substitute For Hardwork

If you’re feeling a little skeptical about Step 1 and Step 2, here’s the logic behind doing those things.

Having clarity about what you want is essential to channel your energy towards your goals while asking in the form of manifestation helps you maintain trust in your abilities.

So now it’s time to put in all your time and energy towards achieving those goals.Divide your long-term goals into small attainable steps. Plan it out and make a list of daily tasks that bring you closer to your goals.

Think of the work you put in as a process that require patience, dedication and consistency.

4) Never Give up

When you fail, don’t let it put you down. It’s all about how you take it in your stride and never give up.

It’s all about having a positive outlook and bringing vibrant energy. 

If you find yourself saying things like “I give up” or “I can’t do this”, don’t give in.  Instead, rewire your brain by saying “I’ve got this” and “I failed today, but I’ll succeed tomorrow.”

5) Always Give Back

The best way to practice gratitude and acknowledge what you have is to give back.

Help others and do your best to uplift them. Help them the way someone helped you when you were struggling.

And when you help someone, you actually end up learning a lot as well.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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