Focus. Don’t give up and just F.O.C.U.S – Follow One Course Until Successful.

Have you ever heard this acronym before? If you’ve not, then this might be the motivation you need to get back on track and focus.

Remember that task you’ve always been delaying? That one goal you keep delaying over the years?

Well, no more.

Just forget and focus. But is it that easy to follow?

In an ideal world, yes! However, people tend to get distracted and lose focus because of shorter attention spans. In fact, it keeps getting shorter and shorter in the present world.

Here’s what you can do to focus:

  1. Forget about all the distractions! Forget all the reasons you give yourself to avoid doing something.A lot of people lose sight of their goals or they procrastinate because of issues with productivity, time management and multitasking. Sometimes, you also get demotivated by watching your peers progress quicker than you. Don’t pay any attention to their achievements and updates. Put your head down and keep working towards your goal. 
  2. One task at a time. Yes, just one. Multitasking is what’s stopping you from finishing anything.For instance, you take up a big project which takes 2 months to complete.  If you just work solely on that project for the next 2 months, you’ll see real progress and reach your goal.However, if you take up 2 projects simultaneously, it’ll take you 4 months. Similarly, if you take up 3, it’ll take you 6 months before you see any results.What this means is that at halfway point or maybe 4 months down the line, you will have no results to show for and growing mental pressure. This will probably make you feel:
    • Demotivated
    • Discontent
    • Unsure about being successful
     That’s why if you just focus on one project at a time, you’ll definitely see a result after 2 months. 
  3.  Consistently follow the course. Before starting anything, the first step is  to map out a clear path for yourself. It’s always a great practice to divide your goal or task into small attainable parts. Completion of every small step towards your ultimate goal will give you the much needed confidence boost. Guided attention and efforts are bound to reap rewards.
  1. Unwavering determination. Just because you’re doing one task at a time doesn’t mean that you’ll not face any challenges. However, this time you’ll overcome those roadblocks with unwavering work ethic and newfound determination.
  1. Success is bound to come if you follow the right practices. The key is to not slow down again after completing that one big task. Pick another task and finish that too.
    “Success is not finalFailure is not fatal
    It is the courage to continue that counts”
    -Winston Churchill

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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