Plenty of people experience some kind of energy crash during the afternoon while working, and it’s a lot more than just the morning caffeine wearing off. Hippocrates said that “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”  and he was spot on. 

Speaking as an entrepreneur who has followed a strict plant-based diet for years and is full of energy and focus all day, I can definitely vouch for the fact that it’s an unhealthy and heavy-on-the-gut diet that leads to frequent dips in energy levels for most people. 

So how and why does a plant-based diet make all the difference and boost your productivity?

Reduced Absenteeism and Sick Leaves

The George Washington University School of Medicine published a study that revealed that plant-based diets act as a preventative measure against chronic diseases as well as an effective way in controlling them for those who are already suffering. 

So a plant-based diet certainly helps in maintaining and improving your health which reduces the chances of missing work due to sickness or poor health. 

High and Consistent Energy Levels 

Since plant-based diets reduce inflammation, increase antioxidants and provide all the nutrients that your body needs, you are bound to have high energy levels that last throughout the day. 

Furthermore, since plant-based foods are easier to digest for your body, this means that your body expends less energy during digestion which helps increase your levels of energy and output during the day, thereby increasing your productivity and efficiency at work.

Increased Focus and Reduced Errors

When you catch yourself getting disconnected from work because your energy levels have plummeted all of a sudden, complacency sets in. Routine tasks that are easily done on autopilot become challenging, Erroneous ways creep up as you find your focus wavering. 

This is where a plant-based diet comes in. When you replace highly-processed and sugary foods with healthy options such as fruits, vegetables and other whole foods, it results in quicker and more efficient delivery of nutrients to your brain since your arteries open up more and the blood flow improves. 

Reduced Cortisol Levels

Stress is unavoidable to some extent, but there is a lot you can do to manage and reduce it with healthy habits. When you regulate your diet, you reduce cravings, make better choices and improve your health. 

Numerous studies have also proven that consumption of meat products and eggs increases your cortisol levels. Thus, shifting to a plant-based diet can reduce stress and inflammation in your body which is bound to improve your concentration and composure while performing high-value and high-priority tasks at work. 

Amplified Immunity

It is highly counterproductive as well as annoying when you fall sick during crucial days at work which burdens your mind as well as piles up workload for later. Consuming a whole-foods,plant-based (WFPB) diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can improve your heart health and manage your weight.

A lot of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C such as grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, broccoli, strawberries etc increase the count of white blood cells(WBC)in the body which boosts your immune function.

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