
As an ardent follower of living a healthy and holistic lifestyle, I’ve always felt that levels of productivity and efficiency show tremendous improvement when your eating habits become better and cleaner.

Apart from the all-important benefits of following healthy diet habits like better cardiovascular health, stronger immunity and reduced risk of diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure; there are a lot of work related benefits as well.

So next time, say no to those boxes of donuts and cookies in the break room and instead pick a healthier option.

Let’s see how healthier food can expand your leadership and management skills:

1) Better Gut Health

Healthier diet means better gut health, lesser illnesses and improved immunity. Moreover, a stronger immune system means that your body takes less time to recover from diseases.

Thus, you will miss lesser days at work including those career-changing meetings, deadlines and networking opportunities.

2) Improved Mood

Another result associated with better gut health is significant improvement in your overall mood which would make you more sociable with your colleagues and clients. You’re also more likely to be calm and composed in high-pressure situations when your emotional quotient (EQ) is more stable.

3) Increased Energy Levels

Eating a balanced diet that is abundant in green leafy vegetables and devoid of extra fats and sugars will keep you full of energy throughout the day. This will help you focus better and execute your tasks with utmost precision and concentration. So make sure that you avoid foods that are full of white starches and sugars to avoid those sudden energy crashes.

4) Improved Immunity

Fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest and the most versatile foods out there.  Rich in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, they can be a part of your meal or be eaten as a snack as a replacement for unhealthy foods. They taste good, increase your immunity and keep you hydrated too.

The Bottom Line

Adopting and sticking to a healthy diet day in, day out takes a lot of planning, discipline and perseverance and all those qualities are bound to make you a better manager and leader.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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