A good relationship that nourishes the soul is instrumental in shaping our experiences with the world. We need healthy relationships at home as well as on the work front. Learning to differentiate between healthy behaviors and toxic bonds is a must to ensure mental wellbeing and happiness. Every time we make sacrifices or ignore our personal needs, we suffer. Here are 5 essentials that can make or break a relationship:

Respectful Communication: they always respect your views and do not belittle your aspirations or dreams. They listen to your opinions without judgment. You are comfortable about sharing your problems or happy news because you know they are keen on listening and will not make you feel unheard.

Honesty: They will always be honest with their actions as well as words. When you care about someone, you don’t want to hurt them in any way and by being honest you are saving them from potential harm and pain.

Equality: when the relationship is a healthy one it will be a relationship between equals. They will not treat you as someone whose needs are not important as theirs. There will be balance and each will value the other and their interests. You give each other the space needed to be independent and feel respected.

Healthy Boundaries: People often cross boundaries when they don’t respect your private space, physical belongings, make disparaging comments or humiliate you in front of others, etc. Feeling anxious in someone’s company could be a sign that your relationship needs attention. Always tell the other person when something makes you uncomfortable.

Support: Healthy relationships play an important role in making us feel nurtured and nourished. We need to surround ourselves with people who support us and are their to make us feel less alone. If someone’s presence in your life adds to your loneliness it’s a sign that it’s not a healthy relationship for you. Choose to be with likeminded people who support you and your dreams.

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