
Business & Management


The digital marketplace, a space where consumers and businesses converge in an ever-evolving landscape, has been reshaped year after year. As we pass through the last quarter of 2023, it’s evident that the evolution of e-commerce shows no sign of slowing down. From AI-powered personalization to the metaverse’s influence on shopping, the trends in online retail for this year are set to transform the way we shop and sell. Personalization Beyond Prediction Personalization has long been a buzzword in e-commerce. However, this year, it has gone beyond basic product recommendations. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, personalization is becoming more intuitive. It involves analysing a shopper’s browsing history, past purchases, and even their online behaviour to create a holistic view of the individual. The result? Tailored shopping experiences that anticipate needs and desires, from customised product suggestions to individualised marketing messages. The Metaverse: A New Retail…