


“When meditation is mastered,The mind is unwavering like theFlame of a lamp in a windless place.In the still mind,In the depths of meditation,The Self reveals itself.Beholding the SelfBy means of the Self,An aspirant knows theJoy and peace of complete fulfillment.Having attained thatAbiding joy beyond the senses,Revealed in the stilled mind,He never swerves from the eternal truth.”― Bhagavad Gita Meditation gives us an opportunity to silence the voices in our mind that make us doubt ourselves or stop us from taking inspired action. Getting away even for 15–20 minutes a day to spend time in self reflection can make a big difference over a period of time. It’s easier than ever before to try multiple forms of meditation and find something that works for us. Nature Sounds Meditation: Listening to nature sounds and visualizing spending time in a forest with water gently flowing and the wind caressing our cheeks is more…