“In today’s rush, we all think too much–seek too much–want too much–and forget about the joy of just being.”– Eckhart Tolle Mindfulness can bring life and meaning to even the most mundane tasks. It slows the process of doing and experiencing things so that you enjoy them. Mindfulness is more than just an activity. It is a way of living, however it can take some time to adapt to it. Life has changed during the pandemic with most of our time being spent indoors. A lot is going in the world and some of it is heartbreaking. During such unprecedented times, it is easy to focus on the all the bad things. Cultivating mindfulness into your daily routine can help you focus on the good. Some of us don’t have the time for 30 minute meditation exercises, however, there are a lot of micro habits that one can follow daily…
Experiencing the benefits of practicing mindfulness might seem like a privilege in the 21st Century,…
A person who is focused on daily action has much to gain from the universe. He will discover wealth within him, waiting to be tapped. Those who constantly worry about results stay in this state until they learn the lesson. A result-focused approached will only delay success. Those who give their best each day knowing that happiness and abundance are sure to follow, if we do what is necessary are in a state of flow. Opportunities are lost when we don’t act on our visions and let fears overcome our plans. There are no limitations once we make up our mind to do something. Acting quickly is the key to achieving what we envision for ourselves. Those who wait for the time to be ideal will keep waiting and this good time may never arrive. We create our good times with our actions and a mindset that is aligned with…
A good relationship that nourishes the soul is instrumental in shaping our experiences with the world. We need healthy relationships at home as well as on the work front. Learning to differentiate between healthy behaviors and toxic bonds is a must to ensure mental wellbeing and happiness. Every time we make sacrifices or ignore our personal needs, we suffer. Here are 5 essentials that can make or break a relationship: Respectful Communication: they always respect your views and do not belittle your aspirations or dreams. They listen to your opinions without judgment. You are comfortable about sharing your problems or happy news because you know they are keen on listening and will not make you feel unheard. Honesty: They will always be honest with their actions as well as words. When you care about someone, you don’t want to hurt them in any way and by being honest you are…
Life has undergone a major shift and nothing is predictable in the new normal. Some have discovered a side to their personalities they never knew existed. It’s remarkable how adversity, loss of income, freedom of movement being curtailed, death of loved ones or even death knocking on our doors at every turn hasn’t managed to dampen our spirit or our desire to live a healthy and meaningful life. That being said, we shouldn’t overlook those with mental health challenges, or at higher risk because of weak or compromised immune systems. This space will be a helpful guide for myself and others to offer some perspective on how to cope, survive and support others as well. ANXIETY IS REAL Covid-induced anxiety is real and many are afflicted by the uncertainty, fear, and negativity that surrounds us. Accepting that a pandemic is not a small issue is the first step towards acknowledging…