While the auspicious festival of Navratri brings in a lot of festivities and joy, these nine days also present the perfect opportunity for people looking to switch to a plant-based diet. 

Since millions of people across India start fasting to complete rituals and abstain from eating meat, eggs and processed foods, they temporarily switch to a whole-foods, plant-based diet with healthier options such as grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. That’s why Navratri is the ideal starting point for someone looking to make these changes permanent. 

Here’s how Navratri can help you transition to a plant-based lifestyle:

1) Clean Eating Due to Fasting

Since so many people avoid meat, eggs and processed foods, they instead start eating pure foods (sattvic diet) by increasing their intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and naturally gluten-free grains like buckwheat (anaaj), amaranth and millet(bajra).

Dishes like sabudana khichdi made from tapioca pearls, kuttu roti that is made from buckwheat and singhara (water chestnut) flour halwa become a staple in many Indian homes.

2) A Much Needed Detox

Fasting and elimination of processed and unhealthy foods also helps our body detoxify which leads to improved digestion, increased energy levels and higher levels of concentration. 

A lot of people experiencing such health benefits tend to stick to their new and improved diet which makes their transition to a plant-based lifestyle a lot smoother while also making them more likely to change this temporary action to a permanent habit. 

3) Easily Available and Delicious Plant-Based Recipes

Lack of variety and taste is one of the most highly cited reasons by people switching to a plant-based diet for the first time. However, the festival of Navratri solves that problem by offering so many nutritious and delicious plant-based foods and different recipes.

With a hearty mix of legumes, nuts, lentils and so many different styles and ways to eat them, people can find endless and fulfilling options that suit their palette. 

4) A Sense of Community to Motivate You

Since millions of Indians at home and abroad are fasting and celebrating the festival together, it becomes easier to change habits. Just like people are more likely to meet their running targets when they join run clubs or take part in marathons, you are more likely to appreciate the power of plant-based foods and commit to making this healthy change since everyone around you is doing so as well. 

5) Health Benefits that Last a Lifetime

While the Navratri only lasts for nine days, the benefits of a plant-based diet last you a lifetime. Thousands of reputed studies have proven that a plant-based diet helps reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of diabetes, improve cardiovascular health and aid in weight management. 

Once people start experiencing a huge uptick in their overall health, they are far more likely to continue their plant-based journey. 

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