It’s common knowledge by now that plant-based foods are significantly healthier for us, and the environment as compared to animal products such as dairy and meat that are resource and energy-intensive since they require significantly higher energy, water and land. Then why do people still struggle to shift to a plant-based lifestyle especially when it comes to diet?

So many people are easily able to give up lifestyle products that use leather and fur, but when it comes to food, they fail/ refuse to make the transition. A lot of it comes down to several myths and misconceptions around plant-based diets. So let’s debunk them together:

Myth 1: Lacking Nutrition, especially Proteins

The biggest misconception about plant-based diets is that they are not nutritious enough and lack protein, however, that is simply not true. There are plenty of options to choose from and maintain a balanced diet such as beans, tofu, green peas, unsweetened soy milk etc.

Myth 2: Being Too Expensive and Not Readily Available

The most basic, healthiest and delicious plant-based foods such as lentils, legumes, grains, fruits and beans are easily available at nominal prices in supermarkets, curb/roadside vendors and other locally accessible shops. 

Following a balanced diet that includes all these healthy options also helps lower the risk of falling sick in the future which in turn saves the potential of spending tons of money on doctors, hospitals, medicines, transport and more. 

Myth 3: High in Carbohydrates

The most important thing to understand is that it all comes down to the kind of carbohydrates you are consuming, refined or unrefined. 

For instance, a candy bar and a banana may contain the same amount of carbohydrates, but that is where the similarity ends, While sugary foods like chocolates, candies and soft drinks contain refined and highly-processed carbohydrates that instantly spike your blood sugar levels and make you feel hungry soon later, a banana or any other fruit or vegetable for that matter release sugar at a controlled rate into your bloodstream and keep you full for longer. 

So it really comes down to making conscious and healthier choices when it comes to selecting that kind of food you put into your body. 

Myth 4: Lower Levels of Satiety 

This is another myth that is completely false about plant-based diets. In fact, it is the very opposite. Plant-based foods tend to be high in fibre and low in sugar which ensures that your insulin levels stay put and increases the leptin levels. Leptin regulates hunger and when your leptin levels are higher, it tells your fat cells that you are full, thereby ensuring that you don’t overeat. 

Consuming a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet (WFPB) that includes plenty of lentils, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables and whole grains will make sure that you consume the right amount of dietary fibre and other vitamins and minerals required by your body on a daily basis. 

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