Global warming, natural catastrophes, a never-ending pandemic and so much more has been ravishing the planet and the people who reside here – US.

In unprecedented times like this, where everything is unpredictable and worse for wear, ask yourself this:

What can we do as individuals? How can we help the planet?

A lot of people might not change their habits or be willing to step up because they think that they are insignificant and their actions are inconsequential. 1 fish in a sea of 7 billion and rising. What we need to remember is that mankind is like a puzzle, it can only be completed when every single piece fits.

We are a community, a mutually-dependent community of humans that is solely dependent on Earth’s well-being for survival and prosperity. The Earth and all its flora and fauna can survive and thrive without us like it did for eons and eons of time, however, we cannot survive without them.

Changing our eating habits can save the planet.

Yes, you heard that right. A statement that is true in its entirety.

Switching to a whole-foods plant based (WFPB) diet can bring some much needed relief to Earth’s already overburdened and depleting resources in addition to improving our own well-being. A diet that consists of zero animal products, not even dairy products such as milk, butter, honey etc is the way to go. in addition to avoiding all processed foods helps save precious resources like water and trees that are cut down for cattle fodder and to create grazing lands

While many people have their personal reasons for switching to this lifestyle, ranging from health issues to ethical concerns, we all need to think about our planet, our home. 

A plant-based diet can significantly reduce our carbon footprint- individually and collectively. This in turn can help control and even reverse global warming in the long run.
According to a  2018 analysis of the international food industry, switching to a plant-based diet represents the largest single action a person can take to reduce their environmental impact.

Climate change is real and it is a serious concern. We must do everything in our power to help. Choosing sustainable dietary and lifestyle habits is something we can all do as individuals. Think of the greater good that can come in the future by taking a small step today.

Moreover, avoiding all processed foods in addition to meat and other animal products helps save precious resources like water and tress that are cut down for cattle fodder and to create grazing lands.

The Bottom Line

It might not be easy to switch to a plant-based diet overnight, however, if you start today, you can definitely do it. It will improve your personal health like improvement in cardiovascular health, kidney health and reduced levels of bad cholesterol. And more importantly, it will improve our planet’s health.

Do it for yourself, do it for your future generations and do it for our planet.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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