A person who is focused on daily action has much to gain from the universe. He will discover wealth within him, waiting to be tapped. Those who constantly worry about results stay in this state until they learn the lesson. A result-focused approached will only delay success. Those who give their best each day knowing that happiness and abundance are sure to follow, if we do what is necessary are in a state of flow.

Opportunities are lost when we don’t act on our visions and let fears overcome our plans. There are no limitations once we make up our mind to do something. Acting quickly is the key to achieving what we envision for ourselves. Those who wait for the time to be ideal will keep waiting and this good time may never arrive. We create our good times with our actions and a mindset that is aligned with that of go getters. Our supply is endless and the universe is one of abundance for those who focus on inspired action.

Fear and apprehension cause delays that could have been avoided. Instead of acting upon our plans, we become uneasy when after a few months of hard we still see no major progress. But the thing about progress is that it shows up suddenly when we are least expecting it. Having a daily routine that involves actions we are taking each day is the key to seeing heart’s desires coming true.

This is best seen in case of those on a weight loss journey. When they begin their fitness routine, they expect immediate results and when they fail to see results, they give up and are back to a sedentary lifestyle that only adds to their problems. Had they continued on their journey and made healthy eating and living with daily exercise a part of their routine, results were bound to follow. Wonders happen when we learn to never give up.

Gagan Dhawan is a fitness enthusiast and mindfulness advocate. He is the Founder of penaurpaper.com and ilovenewme.com

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