The terms ‘leader’ and ‘manager/ supervisor’ are often used interchangeably. However, the difference between them in terms of what it means for an organization is substantial. A supervisor or manager simply delegates tasks, however, a leader inspires his team to complete those tasks on time in an effective and innovative way. 

A manager becomes a leader when he improves others around him and also embodies and executes the vision of the organization. Consequently, employees working with a great leader are happier, more energetic and they feel more connected to the organization. The effects of good leadership resonate throughout the company from the top to all the lower rungs in the business hierarchy. 

While some people are born leaders, most of the leaders can be taught through effective leadership strategies and values. 

Here are 5 ways to help you become a better leader:

1) Honest and Open Communication

A good leader is always approachable and gives honest feedback, even if it is criticism. Engage in constructive criticism when it is needed, and don’t forget to appreciate your team as well when they do good. This works out well for all the parties involved because as a leader, you need to establish an open line of transparency and honesty which works both ways. 

This will build trust between you and your team members and will also make them feel comfortable to share their grievances and ideas with you 

2) Be Empathetic

Empathy is the most valued leadership skill in the industry, and a skill that many people lack. Being an empathetic leader involves establishing a level of support and comfortable rapport with others to bring down the defensive walls. Being genuine, humane and kind towards every employee in the organization is fundamental to being accepted and trusted by them. 

Mutual display of compassion and empathy is what separates leaders from bosses. 

3) Be an Active Listener

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to give a platform to voice the opinions, ideas and concerns of your employees. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you agree with everything they say, however, you always actively listen and give them a chance to speak. Employees feel loyal and valued when they feel included in discussions and decision-making. 

Furthermore, employee feedback is often very insightful and helpful in improving a company’s products, processes and culture. 

So lend an ear and listen carefully! 

4) Be Open to Change

Managing and inspiring change is one of the hardest tasks for a leader. In a fast-paced world where ‘adapt or perish’ is the harsh reality, a great leader will always encourage innovation and change.

Be it adapting to new working conditions and management styles, brainstorming more efficient ways to carry out the daily tasks or motivating employees to function outside their comfort zone sometimes, you should be ready to welcome change with open arms. 

So plan ahead to avoid sudden setbacks and move forward in a timely and organized manner. 

5) Ask for Feedback

As a leader, it is your responsibility to ask for feedback about your leadership style from your employees in addition to giving them feedback.  While self-assessment is helpful, it may not always be conclusive and your own boundaries might limit your assessment. Having honest conversations with your peers, professionals and team members can give you critical feedback, which will improve you as a leader in the future. 

Your team will give you the most helpful advice on the pros and cons faced by them on a daily basis and the possible solutions to sustain the positive things and improve the shortcomings.  Leadership coaching and workshops can help fill in the blanks about things that you lack through the integration of complex scenarios in real-time settings to give you the best possible practical experience. 

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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