Whether you have recently started a company of your own, or you have joined or been promoted to a managerial position in the corporate setup, there are a lot of added responsibilities on your plate. You are now accountable for the work of your team in addition to your own job responsibilities. Your team of employees and the company itself cannot function properly if the team members are not skilled, motivated and working together as a unit. Now that you’re in charge, you need to know how to lead.

Here are 5 ways to be a better boss and leader:

1) Think Like A Football Coach

A football/ soccer coach is a great example to look upto if you want to improve your team’s performance. Managers or CEOs should think like a football coach, because they know the best position for each player/ employee on the team. They know the role that is supposed to be performed by every player on the team in such a way that the team works in tandem as an effective unit. Just like successful coaches, capable bosses also know how to tweak things, supervise employees, give feedback and motivate the team.

2) Communicate With Employees

Establishing an open and honest line of communication with all your employees will give them freedom and comfort to share their concerns with you. They’ll trust you more while also being more open to receiving feedback. As a boss, you should also keep in the mind the fact that communication is a two-way street. You should also honestly talk to your team about challenges, achievements and be open to receiving feedback from them about your performance as a boss.

3) Show Appreciation

A small amount of appreciation can go a long way in boosting an employee’s morale and confidence. Appreciation and recognition will help your team feel more fulfilled and valued, while also making them eager to go above and beyond their basic job responsibilities. They would also show more interest in coming up with new ideas and better ways to do things.

4) Be Accountable

It’s easy to point fingers and play the blame game when things go wrong, especially with your subordinates. As a boss, you must realise that you are responsible for the actions and performance of your employees as individuals and as a team. You should hold your employees responsible for their mistakes, but never blindly throw them under the bus. Remember to uphold your end of the liability and responsibility for your employees.

5) Display Generosity

As an organisational boss or a business owner, never undervalue or underpay your employees. Being stingy is only going to pave the way for stingy efforts and interest by your employees, which will affect your performance, profits and reputation as well. Make it a habit to reward your employees fairly and then some more if you want them to function at their peak performance and morale.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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