The terms “sustainability” and “conserving the environment” are the trending buzzwords these days.  But what is sustainability and how do you practice it to save the environment?

Sustainability or sustainable living means the idea of replacing your existing products and habits with ones that don’t harm the environment and benefit it. Moreover, creating new products that are renewable and recyclable is a part of a sustainable living.

For instance, using renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and hydro or trying to walk/carpool when possible.

As individuals, all of us can make small yet significant changes in our daily lives to become more sustainable.

Here are 5 ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint and choose to coexist with the environment in a sustainable manner:

1) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce your usage of plastic packaged products such as plastic cans of processed food and drinks + single-use plastic bags. Replace them with packaging and bags made out of recyclable and reusable contents such as paper and jute bags.

When you buy products from the supermarket, look on the label for things that have eco-friendly packaging. While it may always not be possible to do currently, you can always make an effort to reduce the usage of harmful packaging.

Recycling is another way to help the environment. Most of the cans and glass bottles these days can be recycled. Separate your waste and send it for recycling.

2) Reuse and Donate

Donating old clothes and textbooks + unused food products that are still safe to consume is a great way to help the environment and the people in need. You can also resell things instead of throwing them away.

3) Switch to a Plant-Based Lifestyle

When you start using plant-based alternatives, you’re conserving water as well as the flora and fauna on our planet. This helps reduce carbon emissions and reduces the individual and global carbon footprint. 

4) Switch to Bamboo

A lot of brands these days have ditched the plastic straws for ones made out of bamboo. Replacing your plastic straws and toothbrushes with bamboo products is a great way to practice sustainable living.

Furthermore, you can even start using pencils and other stationery items made out of bamboo.

5) Start Using LED and CFL Products

Change your traditional and energy-hungry forms of lighting to energy-efficient and more environment-friendly forms of lighting. When you start using Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs in your home, not only do you use less energy, you also save a lot on electricity bills.

Relying on natural light during well-lit hours of the day is also a great way to conserve energy.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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