A lot of people associate the benefits of writing daily to only writers, managers, entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, motivational speakers and journalists. However, the power of translating our intangible thoughts into tangible pages full of words is out there to help everyone. 

All of us find something to add to our lives through the routine of writing daily. Be it the habit of journaling, self-expression or noting down reminders, writing is bound to mould all of us into happier and more well-rounded individuals. 

Just imagine if ancient civilizations had not kept written records of their daily lives and how the world was like for them, thousands of years of mankind’s history and evolution would have been lost in time forever. 

Here are 5 reasons why everyone should inculcate the habit of writing daily:

1) Generating Self-Awareness

Once you start making an effort to write daily, you start connecting with your innermost thoughts that rest in your mind. As you settle into the groove, you start discovering yourself more and more every day. This makes you self-aware, which is one of the most important skills to be confident and successful because it allows you to work on your flaws and play to your strengths.

2) Healthy Form of Expression

Venting out your regrets, frustration and anger through writing is one of the healthiest and most therapeutic ways of expression. It allows you to let go of your pain and grudges and also allows you to reflect on your life. You can always go back to these pages to learn from your mistakes as well. Furthermore, clearing your mind and expressing your opinions clears up your mind to help you focus your day ahead and enjoy the beauty of life.

3) Recording Memories

The human mind is like a machine that is constantly creating new memories and experiences. However, memories are like layers. When you add new ones, the older ones tend to keep getting compressed to the bottom to the point that we start forgetting our memories and it is very hard to recall those events. However, when you write down certain words, phrases and events, just reading them again even after a few years will trigger those memories and help you recover precious moments from the past.

4) Inculcating Self- Discipline

Just like making your bed daily helps you become more disciplined, so does writing daily. It is a form of developing a habit that requires persistent efforts and willpower. Forming good habits helps change our mindset so that we start using our time more productively to always learn and grow. 

5) Improving Your Verbal and Writing Skills

When we tend to write more often and more regularly, we think more about our choice of words and the way we use them. Writing daily improves our vocabulary over time and refines our creative expression. This is a great way to also improve your professional emails, conversations and presentations. 

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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