Are you low on energy in the morning or have frequent energy-crashes at work?

If yes, then this also brings down your productivity levels quite a bit which affects your quality of work, creativity and efficiency. While there are a number of factors such as sleep, hydration etc. that could be the reason, chances are that your diet is also responsible for this slump.

A plant-based lifestyle can help prevent that and ensure that you start your day with a bang!

Plant-based foods reduce cortisol levels and give you continued energy throughout the day which helps you feel sharper and increases your efficiency at work.. They also carry a high nutritional value including fibre, which helps you stay full and avoid munching on unhealthy and sugary snacks that cause the much dreaded energy-crashes later on.

Here is a list of 5 plant-based foods to include in your diet that can help you maintain high levels of energy and productivity throughout the day:

1) Blueberries

Tasty, visually-stunning and extremely healthy- blueberries help increase your cognitive performance as they contain among the highest levels of antioxidants found in foods.

They’re high in fibre and keep you feeling full throughout the morning. This frees up your mind to focus on work and indulge in better decision-making.

A productive day can only begin with productive choices. Start your morning with a blueberry smoothie to fire up your energy cylinders at full force.

Keeping a handful of blueberries at your work desk is also a great way to ensure that you avoid eating fried or sugary foods in between meals.

2) Avocados

Abundant in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins and fibre; avocados keep you brimming with energy throughout the day. In addition to their health benefits, avocados also add a nice taste and bring a lot of versatility to your meal preparation.

Spoilt for choices, not for snacking!

An avocado toast is a great way to start your morning if you’re looking to stay productive and motivated throughout the day.

3) Apples

Easy to carry and consume, apples are perfect for starting your day with a plethora of nutrition and energy. They are rich in vitamins, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fibre.

They also contain Quercetin, a highly-beneficial, brain-boosting antioxidant.

Apples help increase our endurance, boost our energy and keep us hydrated. The high levels of dietary fibre helps you stay full as well. 

4) Black Beans

A great addition to other plant-based foods such as rice, mixed greens, and mushrooms; black beans are a great choice for a healthy and nutritious meal. 

They’re high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.  Black beans also rich in fibre so they help you stay full. Moreover, they carry a low fat and calorie count. 

A black bean salad for lunch can help you avoid the typical fatigue experienced by people between 1 PM – 4 PM so that you can work at your maximum capacity.

5) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice due to its low glycemic index which lets you go about your hectic day without suffering from sugar crashes. It also has plenty of minerals and fibre to keep full and focused at the tasks in hand instead of wondering about snacking. 

Oatmeal goes well with fruits such as bananas and strawberries to add variety and even more nutrition to kickstart your day on the perfect note.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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