We spend almost 30% of our adult life working and it often ends up defining us as individuals. 

Most of the people are better-suited to traditional jobs as employees in the corporate sector because setting up a business is incredibly difficult. So it is not everyone’s cup of tea due to the risk and time involved. However, the rewards can significantly outweigh the risks if you have the appetite to go through the motions.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy by any means. You’ll have a lot of questions, fears and expectations, but once you start your journey, you’ll realise that it’s all worth it and here’s why:

1) Infinite Opportunities To Learn

As an employee, you only learn about things that are within your job description. On the other hand, when you start a business, you get to upscale yourself with a diverse set of skills right from the incorporation of the business to domains such as finance, accounting, marketing, human resources etc.

You also tend to keep up with the latest news in different industries which broadens your horizon and general knowledge.

2) Financial Freedom

Since you are solely responsible for your earnings, you are more driven and motivated to work hard daily, for yourself. This gives you financial freedom, which might not be there in a 9-5 job since your earnings and growth are limited.

An entrepreneur also has more financial security because unexpected layoffs and hiring freezes have become fairly common in the post pandemic era in 2022. Moreover, the fears of an impending recession will lead to a lot of job losses as well.

3) Intellectual Independence

Running a business gives you the intellectual independence to come up with your own ideas and execute them. You’re able to trust your instinct and follow your gut. In a job, you might have the opportunity to pitch your ideas, but not the freedom to implement them. 

You’ll be responsible for initiating all the actions to execute your ideas and every decision will be yours, which instills useful traits such as clarity and accountability in your decision-making process.

4) Following Your Passion

Not everyone has the courage required to follow their passion because it involves a lot of struggle. But still, a lot of people follow their passion to fulfill themselves. The reward and joy that stemming from creating something that you own and enjoy go far beyond the money and glory. It leads to the fulfillment of one’s highest needs and aspirations.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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