Have you felt lethargy set in during those peak work hours in the afternoon? Despite getting adequate sleep and feeling well-rested, do you always feel tired during your workouts?

Feeling sleepy between 1PM- 4PM has a lot to do with your diet. Eating highly-processed and highly-refined food that is rich in sugar and scarce in nutrition will deprive you of energy while also causing frequent energy crashes. 

Switching to a plant-based diet can help solve the aforementioned problems while helping you stay active and energetic throughout your busy schedule. 

Whether you are someone who is thinking about adopting to a plant-based diet or you have already been leading a plant-based lifestyle, here are some foods to eat that will help you power through the day:

1) Green Leafy Vegetables

Superfoods like kale, Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce and microgreens are extremely high in nutrition.They are a great source of high-quality proteins, phytonutrients, and minerals including calcium and iron. They also generate an alkaline environment and are loaded with enzyme activity.

Have green vegetables as your staple diet every day to achieve high levels of health and fitness. It will also help you gain strength and muscle, recover more quickly, and perform better.

2) Complex Carbs

Our body primarily relies on complex carbohydrates for most of our energy needs. However, unhealthy dietary choices nowadays have led to us consuming those much needed carbs in highly refined and processed forms that also contain white flour and sugary drinks. Such food choices are either empty calories or they are hard to break down for our body to convert into energy. 

Switch to fruits for your energy and nutrition needs as they contain simple carbohydrates which are easy to break down for the body. Moreover, consume legumes and pulses frequently to follow a clean and healthy lifestyle. 

3) Fruits

Have fresh fruits every morning instead of relying on oily and fatty breakfast choices to keep you pumped with energy throughout the day. Moreover, it is important to ensure that you consume pure varieties of fruit that are not laced with growth chemicals and colours. Having locally grown organic food is the ideal choice to make sure that you are aiding your body through food that is easy to digest and abundant in nutrition.

Written by Gagan Dhawan

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