A powerful book on personal development by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich is a must read for anyone with a desire to build a successful business of their own. The secrets of success as explained by the author hit home and leave a profound impact. What to expect and what will you learn from this well known prosperity classic?

Some frequently asked questions posed by online users:

Does Think and Grow Rich actually work?

The answer to that is yes. It works by affecting your subconscious mind into taking inspired action. It motivates you to have renewed faith in yourself and you feel well prepared to take on new challenges and face adverse circumstances with grit and determination.

Is it outdated?

In many ways yes, it’s outdated but the lessons that one can learn and implement are timeless. It’s a book that works for some and does nothing for others. Hopefully, you will belong to the group that does glean insightful information that can prove to be life changing.

These are the 10 key takeaways and lessons that made sense to me:

  1. Have a burning desire with a definiteness of purpose. When we rely on the power of the human mind, we see results. You need to know your goals and want them with an intense desire that is unmoved by any obstacles in your path.
  2. Faith is a state of mind that believes in something even when there is no outer proof to back one’s beliefs. You may have failed multiple times but if you lose faith in yourself based on past experiences that’s when you really fail. Failure is not the end of the road, it’s lack of faith. Don’t let your fears overcome your faith in your vision. You can develop faith at will and by reminding yourself why on a daily basis, lest you forget.
  3. Specialized knowledge — acquire knowledge that gives you an added advantage and confidence in yourself. Instead of knowing a little bit of everything, try to acquire specialized knowledge in one area where your skills and passion align.
  4. Use the power of imagination to build new realities. Imagination can definitely take you places if you learn to apply your ideas and turn them into things by working on them. Take inspired action and never stop imagining all the wonderful things we can create in our minds first and give to the world later. When you start taking action things will move forward quickly.
  5. Temporary defeat indicates there is something wrong with your plan. Instead of giving up, analyze your plans again and find out what’s blocking your success. If your plans are sound, the results will take you by surprise. And you will only do more.
  6. Overcome procrastination and never delay your actions because of excuses such as the situation not being ideal. If you wait for an ideal time, you will keep on waiting and the ideal time will never arrive. Stick to your decisions and see through your plans.
  7. Will power and the effort you put in to see results will bring you success. Remain persistent and keep working on your plans. You have the desire and by adding will power to the mix you become a powerful being with a definite goal. Even if you feel you have faced multiple defeats you will arrive at the top someday, if you remain persistent with your actions.
  8. Train your subconscious mind through affirmations and auto suggestion. Most of what we do and our actions depend on our subconscious behavior and patterns. Those who grew up seeing difficult times are programmed to believe that things can never be good and that is why they continue to remain in this loop. Your subconscious mind can be trained and new images can be provided through creative visualization techniques.
  9. Trust your sixth sense and follow those gut feelings that guide your decisions and tell you when it’s the right time to do something. Learn the difference between fears and an inner voice. Fears will stop you from taking inspired action but a well trained mind will allow you to develop a good sixth sense.
  10. Overcome all negative emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, greed, superstition, etc. When you are constantly thinking negative thoughts about yourself or others, it’s difficult to focus on your goals, dreams and life purpose.
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